dun rite c|ick, p|z =3

nitez in college '
wrote on 11:34 PM``
wa- DAM TIRED NOW but not fee| wanna s|eep XD HaHa- coz jz back =D
mii think mii was the on|ii 1 tat after a nitez in co||ege tat sti|| going out...HaHa- XD

as mii said tat mii joined a competition of designing a T-Shirt (materie| at pavi|ion organized it)
erm, ok, mii |ike din say b4 in previous post? @@ nvm..mii say now...it'z same, rite? XD

so, winfred wan us go 2 co||ege at nitez on 7pm(sat)-6am(sun) 2 sketch the idea & deve|op it [NOTICE- WE CAN'T SLEEP ON 7PM-6AM]...so, at 1st, winfred divide us into 3 group of 8pp| per-group...den everii group nid 2 sketch 100 idea out (OMG- 100...CRAZY MEH?)...but at |ast we sti|| managed 2 do it by simp|y sketch a|| idea (think wat draw wat'z theory =D)...den 2nd part was 2 deve|op more on the 100 idea (make the idea better)...2nd part quite nice coz everii in the mood & we hv fun adding, changing into the idea =D but too bad, after 2nd part de break... den 3rd part was saying the concept (1 pp| choose 3 idea approved tat u wan 2 do & think the concept)...we a|| |ike |azii |iao coz the break =X den starting, we jz simp|y say & can't thingz of concept & was tired + s|eepiie =X den s|ow|y s|ow|y mii, SookFan & Ben getting bitbit hyper/sotsot jor of thinking concept & ta|king (coz the who|e part3 was |ike we 3 ta|king on|ii...HaHa-)...den on 5am++, FINALLY WE DONE...but mii not fee| s|eepiie & tired |iao coz the discussion...HaHa- den the end jor..everii1 either can s|eep in the co||ege ti| 12pm or back home =D whi|e mii waiting kay 2 fetch mii, we (sum pp| not yet back & dun wan s|eep) hv sum chat (a|| fai wa...HaHa-)...den sum1 suggested 2 watch movie since we can use everiiway in the co||ege (except 3rd f|oor)...HaHa- [after tiz, mii back jor, dunno they manage 2 watch movie onot, coz when mii back, they |ike hving prob with the |aptop tat got movie XD]

tiz is the timetab|e 4 the nitez =D
7.30pm - Greeting and Briefing
8.00pm - Brainstorming Session 100 (mean 100 idea)
11.00pm - Break
12.00am - Brainstorming Session 200 (bitbit change in tiz session, we not doing 200 idea)
2.00am - Break
3.00am - Execution of Idea
6.00am - Breakfast/Sleep/Back
[wan scan the timetab|e de...but bro off comp jor...mii |azii on back..so, jz write =P]

mii jz got 1 idea tat approved...so, post the 3 sketch |ater (+ my idea) XD

p/s- "went 2 KLIA, by using aerop|ane f|y 2 the ga|axy 2 eat HONEY STAR" =D

erm '
wrote on 1:30 PM``
erm, due 2 carmen ask mii 2 up|oad b|og den on|ii she wi|| open back her b|og & up|oad it...so, mii jz up|oad sumthingz here =D

erm, say abt wat |eh? |ike nth say de =.=l|
k |a, write abt c|ass..HaHa-

c|ass started 2 week |iao (mean 4 c|ass)...1 sentences can say it on|ii...WE R RUSHING 4 TIME =X

we r too s|ow of getting our work done...|uckii mii & ann done with the name |iao..now is jz design the |ogo but |ecturer keep ask us design more |ogo & deve|op more...dunno wat the |ecturer wan...MII RUNNING OUT OF IDEA LIAO... =X any1 can he|p? HaHa- if u a|| he|p mii do, den better u a|| go study the course & take the exam 4 mii, rite? but rea||ii rushing + no idea...next week nid done the project (fina| work, printing, put in board a|| those) but mii NOT YET DONE WITH THE LOGO =.=l| WITH THE ADXPERT NAME, WAT LOGO CAN DESIGN 4 IT?!!! =X ok, chi||x =D
ok, tat is CIS c|ass...4 photoshop c|ass, the project jz gave on tiz week..so, same, RUN OUT OF TIME ALSO...coz by 3rd week, a|| subject shou|d done 1st project & another 4 week 4 2nd project...nvm, jz dun care the dead|ine sin...care the project better XD abt photoshop project...use a mi|k box (got 4 surface, rite?), either design a story on it or design sum advertising on it...story no nid 2 exp|ain, rite? abt the advertising de, it is |ike..u wan advertising ur company...so u make it on the 4 surface...so, pp| buy the mi|k can |ook on ur advertisment (bitbit weird abt it but mii fee| quite coo| idea a|so XD)

p/s- THX ^^ 2 kay tat he|p mii think the company name (AdXpert)...muakxxx- =D
[exp|aination 4 the name is, Ad = Advertising & Xpert = Expert...nice name, rite? XD]

p/s- Always Online nice song & mv

after holiday '
wrote on 4:49 PM``
after the 1 month peacefu|(in other word is boring =P) holiday...now mii back 2 co||ege again...2day is the 1st day of tiz short sem(7 week & 2 subject)...it'z going 2 be a rushing sem coz it'z a short sem >< ha|z-

2day reached 2 c|ass around 8am, |uckii din |ate 2 c|ass but nth a|so coz when mii reached, Jo|vyn to|d mii tat ken said the c|ass start on 9am...HaHa- sti|| got time 4 mii 2 chatchat/on9 =D ok, say abt on9, mii going 2 ki|| the co||ege internet...WTH with the co||ege? keep changing the internet password...nid 2 find the pp| on|ii can on9...den wat 4 u put the internet since u dun giv us use it...so ben & bad, se|f cari ma fan saja (coz everii student go find him 2 ask abt the internet) SO KEDEKUT & BENDAN

ok |a, done with the internet thingiie...after hv a bitbit chat with Ann, sudden|y they said tat the resu|t 4 the |ast sem exam a|ready out on the notice board...so, we went 2 see our resu|t...WAT A SUPRISE?!!! mii passed my VISUAL COMMUICATION, the subject tat mii din pass up the 3rd project & other project 4 tiz subject is sux...HaHa- rea||ii a mirac|e tat mii passed the subject XD coz mii thought tat mii wi|| fai| the subject & nid 2 retake it XD so, overa||, mii passed a|| the 5 subject...

the resu|t is :
History Of Art - C+
I||ustration - B (4got B-, B or B+)
Visua| Communication - C (ngam ngam pass coz C- is fai|ed)
Comp Graphic Design - A
Typography - A-

p/s- quite happiie tat mii passed a|| the subject XD


Poh Ying [YingYing``Yingz] also known as strawberriiez
29 Apri| 1991 is remembered
18 AGE [2009]
Proud to be TAURUS
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`-wish|ist-* .♥
  • get gd resu|tz
  • everii1 happiies & happiie 4eve
  • enjoy everii thingz with n0 regret
  • be |oved
  • ever|asting |ove

  • `-be|oved-* .♥
    c|ick mii <<<


    ♥♥♥♥♥ kaykay =3
    ♥♥♥♥♥ carmenmen <3
    ♥♥♥♥ a|| my frenz
    ♥♥♥♥ fami|y

    so||ii if mii miss out u; tag me o =D

    `-fee|ing-* .♥

    `-chain of |ove-* .♥

    `-foot printz-* .♥

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    strawberriiez =3



    `-play out |oud-*.♥


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